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Calibration protocols

          Single-point factory calibration protocols
          Default versions
          The single-point factory calibration protocol is always performed on the same standard locations for each measured physical variable.
          This is the most cost-effective version for you. You can find the relevant calibration value in the form available in the online version.
          If this standard single-point factory calibration protocol meets your needs, you only need to indicate the type number in your order.
          Please note that the single-point factory calibration protocols are always performed in accordance with the version published online.
          Please verify first that this is the value you need for your application. If not, please note the instructions for customized factory calibra-
          tion protocols.
                                                                            Type        Item no.    Euro / pc.
          Factory calibration protocol / Differential pressure  single-point  WK-DP-1P  104770        37.60
          Factory calibration protocol / Relative pressure  single-point    WK-RP-1P    104771        37.60
          Factory calibration protocol / Temperature  single-point          WK-T-1P     104772        37.60
          Factory calibration protocol / Flow      single-point             WK-F-1P     104773        37.60
          Factory calibration protocol / Humidity  single-point             WK-RH-1P    104774        37.60

          Custom calibration point
          The custom single-point factory calibration protocols differ from the above versions in that you can freely select the desired calibration
          point within the specified limits. Please print the form. Select the desired value within the specified limits and send the form to us
          together with your binding order. We are unfortunately unable to calibrate values outside of the range shown in the form. We ask for
          your understanding.
                                                                            Type        Item no.    Euro / pc.
          Factory calibration protocol / Differential pressure  custom single-point  WK-DP-1P-I 104775  62.60
          Factory calibration protocol / Relative pressure  custom single-point  WK-RP-1P-I 104776   62.60
          Factory calibration protocol / Temperature  custom single-point   WK-T-1P-I   104777       62.60
          Factory calibration protocol / Flow      custom single-point      WK-F-1P-I   104778       62.60

          3-point factory calibration protocols
          Default versions
          The same comments for single-point factory calibration protocols also apply here. The difference is that 3 default values are calibrated.

                                                                            Type        Item no.    Euro / pc.
          Factory calibration protocol / Differential pressure  3-point     WK-DP-3P    104779       87.60
          Factory calibration protocol / Relative pressure  3-point         WK-RP-3P    104780       87.60
          Factory calibration protocol / Temperature  3-point               WK-T-3P     104781       87.60
          Factory calibration protocol / Flow      3-point                  WK-F-3P     104782       87.60

          Custom calibration points
          The custom 3-point factory calibration protocols differ from the above versions in that you can freely select the desired calibration
          points within the specified limits. Please print the form. Select the desired values within the specified limits and send the form to us
          together with your binding order. We are unfortunately unable to calibrate values outside of the range shown in the form.
          Thank you for your appreciation.

                                                                            Type        Item no.    Euro / pc.
          Factory calibration protocol / Differential pressure   custom 3-point  WK-DP-3P-I 104783   112.70
          Factory calibration protocol / Relative pressure   custom 3-point  WK-RP-3P-I 104784       112.70
          Factory calibration protocol / Temperature   custom 3-point       WK-T-3P-I   104785       112.70
          Factory calibration protocol / Flow      custom 3-point           WK-F-3P-I   104786       112.70

          All calibration protocols are available as downloads in the online version of the catalog. Please complete these protocols and send
          these to us together with your order. You can also find the calibration protocols on our website:

          Note:  Our product range does not support 3-point calibration protocols for relative humidity. Only the temperature values can be customized on relative humidity sensors.

             The calibration for this is particularly elaborate. If you need a 3-point calibration for this sensor type, you will need to order 3 x one custom single-point calibration protocol for 3 different
             temperatures, prices on request.

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