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KRM-X® Duct smoke detectors
type designations
Data sheet no.: Type Note
41350 KRM-X-2 24 V AC / DC VdS certification including air sampling tube
KRM-X-1 230 V AC LKR-X 0.16 m
41350 KRM-X-2-MOD 24 V AC / DC Modbus / BACnet, including air sampling tube
KRM-X-2-BAC VdS certification LKR-X 0.16 m
KRM-X-1-MOD 230 V AC
41351 KRM-X-2-DZ 24 V AC / DC DIBt approval, including air sampling tube
KRM-X-1-DZ 230 V AC VdS certification LKR-X 0.16 m
41351 KRM-X-2-DZ-MOD 24 V AC / DC Modbus / BACnet, including air sampling tube
KRM-X-2-DZ-BAC DIBt approval, LKR-X 0.16 m
KRM-X-1-DZ-MOD 230 V AC VdS certification
43105 AZE 1.2 Display unit for up to 99 Modbus-compatible KRM® / KRM-X® duct smoke detectors
Types KRM-(X-)2-MOD / KRM-(X-)2-DZ-MOD / KRM-(X-)1-MOD / KRM-(X-)1-DZ-MOD
41305 NT01 / NT02 Type-tested basic 24 V power supply unit for KRM® und KRM-X® duct smoke detectors with
DIBt certification (KRM-(X-)2-DZ / KRM-(X-)2-DZ-MOD / KRM-(X-)2-DZ-BAC)
40104 DRM 3.3-X Ceiling-mounted smoke detector with base, bus-compatible, for STG 1.2 control unit (consisting of
RM 3.3-N + RMS 3.3-N)
RM 3.3-X Smoke detector without base, bus compatible, fits KRM-X®-type duct smoke detector as well as
base RMS 3.3-N
RMS 3.3-N Base for smoke detectors RM 3.3-N, RM 3.3-X
PG 3.3 Programming device for DKM / DRM 3.3-N / DRM 3.3-X including programming cable
49103 DKM 3.3 Manual smoke alarm, bus-compatible, for STG 1.2
43104 STG 1.2 Control unit (smoke detector system bus) for up to 99 DRM 3.3-N / DRM 3.3-X ceiling-mounted
smoke detectors / DKM 3 manual smoke alarms
WDG-X Spraywater-protected housing
KS-WDG-X Mounting bracket
LKR-X TurboTube air duct sensor tube of 0.16 m, 0.6 m, 1.5 m or 3.0 m length;
0,16 / 0,6 / 1,5 / 3,0 fits KRM-X® duct smoke detector
KS-KRM-X Montagekonsole
ASR-A10 Aerosolspray
KRM-X® = duct smoke detector
MOD = RS485 bus-capable – Modbus RTU
BAC = RS485 bus-capable – BACnet
-1 = 230 V
-2 = 24 V AC / DC
DZ = DIBt version for control of fire / smoke protection flaps
LKR = TurboTube – air duct sampling tube
To our online catalog: Catalog 2025 | Fire protection | 133