Page 139 - OP_Katalog_EN
P. 139

Fire protection – Requirements

               for duct smoke detectors

               The (LüAR) national German fire safety requirements    •   With heat recovery systems, the spreading of fire
               of ventilation systems are the valid guideline in   between exhaust and supply air must be prevented by
               the building inspection guidelines for various states.   means of technical measures (i.e. protection of supply air
               Additional information can be found in the model policy   through fire flaps and smoke release equipment devices
               on fire protection requirements of ventilation systems   or smoke flaps) ...
               (M-LüAR), supervision of the commission. The necessary
               certificates (testing, approval, monitoring) for smoke   •   Outdoor air and exhaust air openings (outlets)
               detectors for smoke and fire flaps in ventilation systems   of ventilation ducts must be arranged or constructed
               are stipulated in the MVV TB .                     so fire or smoke cannot enter other floors, fire zones,
                                                                  units of use, stairways, spaces between stairways and
               Among other things, these publications specify the   exits going outdoors or corridors. This stipulation is
               following:                                         considered met when the openings of ventilation pipes
                                                                  are protected by fire flaps ...
               •   No smoke may pass via the air supply air systems
                 into the buildings. The transfer of smoke via the outside   Based on these principles, please note the following in
                 air through fire protection flaps with smoke release   regard to our KRM-X® duct smoke detector:
                 equipment or smoke flaps is to be prevented ...
                                                                 For the control of fire or smoke flaps, general building
               •   For ventilation systems with circulating air the   authorities’ approved smoke detectors by the DIBt
                 supply air has to be protected against the transfer   (German Institute for Building Technology) are required
                 of smoke by shut-off devices with smoke release   (see lists of building regulations MVV TB). These are our
                 equipment or smoke protection flaps. The smoke   DZ versions of the KRM-X® with approval: Z-78.6-249.
                 release equipment can be placed in re-circulation or in
                 exhaust air ducts. They can, however, be combined in   For the fan control, monitoring of ventilation pipes and fire
                 the supply air duct after the outside and re-circulated air   alarms, VdS approved KRM-X® types without DIBt can be
                 have been combined, if the intake of external air is to be   used (KRM-X-1, KRM-X-1-MOD, KRM-X-1-BAC, KRM-X-2,
                 protected against smoke entry at the same time ... When   KRM-X-2-MOD, KRM-X-2-BAC).
                 the smoke release equipment responds, the ventilators
                 must be turned off unless their continued function   Note:
                 serves to prevent smoke spreading further.      Subject to change. Local rules and regulations are valid.

               •   Air handling units must have fire protection flaps   Visit our free webinars covering fire protection in ventila-
                 (except exhaust or outdoor air ducts, which lead directly   tion systems. You can find our current courses at https://
                 to the outside) at the inlet and outlet; the fire flaps must
                 be equipped with smoke release equipment devices ...

               •   In ventilation systems for special structures such
                 as buildings or areas with a large number of people or
                 rooms for sick or disabled people, or rooms with high
                 fire or explosion hazards, it is necessary to determine
                 whether additional or other fire protection measures are
                 necessary, e.g. additional smoke release equipment for
                 fire flaps to keep smoke from traveling.
                                                                    Innovative Sensorik in der Gebäudeautomation, Garagenüberwachung
                                                                    und Gaswarnanlagen, Brandschutz in Lüftungsanlagen

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                                                                                                                      FIRE PROTECTION

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